HPC Clusters with Intel Optane SSDs from Koi Computers

At Koi Computers, we are always looking at leading-edge technology for our clients, but not just any leading-edge technology. We look for solutions that solve client problems in the most efficient and effective way possible. That’s why we really like Intel® Optane™ solid state drives (SSDs).

These SSDs are becoming increasingly important for organizations that need to push boundaries in AI, big data, engineering, design, and other fields in order to stay competitive.

The Intel Optane SSD eliminates data center storage bottlenecks; cost-effectively enabling more robust dataset processing. In fact, Intel Optane can accelerate applications, reduce transaction costs for latency-sensitive workloads, and streamline data center operations.

Here are a few ways that Prowess Corp., says Optane SSDs power HPC:

  • Temp storage: They can improve performance for HPC workloads requiring large scratch/temp storage; for example, applications in genomics, CFD, computational chemistry, and structural analysis.
  • I/O bursting: They can be used across HPC nodes to accelerate data transfers and handle I/O spikes.
  • Checkpoint/memory snapshots: They can reduce the time required to restart a virtual machine (VM) after a checkpoint or memory snapshot.
  • Parallel file system metadata: They improve the performance of Lustre and other parallel file systems by improving the I/O of metadata operations.

Other Intel Optane technology we integrate includes Intel Optane DC persistent memory, delivered with all new 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors. The workload-optimized technology helps organizations extract more actionable insights from data – from cloud and databases, to in-memory analytics, and content delivery networks. Contact us to find out more: 888-LOVE-KOI (888-568-3564); email: sales@koicomputers.com